
Sixth Form admissions

Thank you for showing an interest in applying to Hermitage Sixth Form.

At Hermitage Academy Sixth Form, we treat all applications in exactly the same way and with fairness. Any prospective student who meets our entry requirements (please see our prospectus below), will be interviewed with a view to offering them a place in our Sixth Form. Any student who does not currently attend Hermitage Academy are very welcome and encouraged to apply. We encourage any prospective student to visit both our open evening (which will be advertised on our school website) and by arrangement at other times. Just contact the main school reception and ask to speak to one of our sixth form team.

In a typical year, our open evening will take place in October and our first-phase application deadline will be in December. We will begin to interview prospective students in January and then let individuals know about a conditional place soon after their interview. We hold induction days in July, which we encourage all new students to attend.

To join Hermitage Academy Sixth Form, please download the application form below and return it to: [email protected]

Application form download