
English language

We’re going to learn to cut and paste kids!
We’re going to learn to cut and paste, kids!

Commas matter, punctuation saves lives. English language allows students to engage with language in the world around them. Do you embrace language change or wince at your friends’ terrible grammar and outrageous punctuation on Facebook? This course is perfect for you!

English language allows you to explore your personal point of view. You’ll be encouraged to develop your study of written, spoken and multi-modal texts. You’ll hone your critical analysis skills and evaluate data from a plethora of places. You’ll also have the opportunity to sharpen up your creative writing and research skills.

The course is fast paced. Be prepared to create presentations, work in a team and deliver your own lessons. You will enrich your taught input with autonomous investigations of linguistics.


A level English language

Awarding body AQA

Course content

Paper 1: Language and the Individual

This unit is an introduction to the study of language, focusing on text variations and representations.  Methods of language analysis are integrated into class activities.

Paper 2: Language varieties

The aim of this unit is to develop your writing skills and gain a knowledge and understanding of our diverse language. Looking in particular at children’s language development and language diversity and change.


A level assessment includes two summative examinations and the compilation of a coursework folder. This folder is made up of language investigation and a piece of original writing.

English Language keeps me grounded because everything is subjective - where other subjects teach a concrete curriculum, English excels in teaching me important life skills such as analysis and creativity that allow me to gain important insight into the world around me.

Why study English language?

English language is a keystone A level. Studying English gives you the ‘key’ to an awe-inspiring wealth of future careers, from law to leisure industries, advertising to accountancy, tourism to teacher training, journalism to public services to the media. Or, you might end up becoming a writer!