
This week's awards...

Date Published:
Thursday 17 June 2021

Congratulations to this week's Monday Marvels, Wednesday Winners and Great Eights!

Monday Marvels

Our Monday Marvels are Harry and Erin! Both students are incredibly hard-working and always apply themselves in lessons. Keep up the brilliant attitude towards learning!

Wednesday Winners

This week's Wednesday Winners are Bradley and Molly! Bradley is an absolute delight to have in Year 9. He is always polite, punctual, and positive, and consistently meets and exceeds our expectations every day! Bradley was nominated by his RE teacher and was awarded a lapel pin in this subject before half term. He excels in practical subjects and can't wait to start his options, D&T, digital iMedia and music in September...

Molly is another asset to the year group. She is an amazing friend and is always kind and helpful to others. She has high aspirations and loves to learn. Molly was nominated by her science teacher and received a lapel pin last half term for her hard work and dedication in this subject. Molly likes a challenge, and can't wait to take business, computer science and Spanish for her Key Stage 4 options.

Great Eights

Our Great Eights this week are Amelia and Harvey. Both students have impressed us throughout their time here at Hermitage Academy so far. They quietly and diligently go about their school life, doing everything that is asked of them with both students receiving subject awards this year. Both students are kind and respectful to everyone and have made positive friendships in school. Keep up this excellent attitude to learning!