
Wednesday Winners!

Date Published:
Wednesday 27 January 2021
Wednesday Winners

This week our congratulations go to Dylan Brolls and Kaci Bell!

Dylan has been nominated by his PE teacher for being at excellent at engaging with online and remote sessions. He is very quick to share his answers, show his understanding and attempt tasks. Equally, if Dylan is unsure, he displays confidence to ask and ensure that he does arrive at the appropriate outcome. In addition, Dylan is receiving multiple virtual Laurea Stamps in art, maths, history, Spanish and ICT - keep up the amazing work Dylan! 

Above you will see Kaci modelling the new Year 9 "Wednesday Winners" selfie frame! Kaci has been nominated by her English teacher for fully embracing every task that is set and being a regular contributor in class discussions! Kaci should be so proud of herself and her achievements in not only English, but multiple subjects for working so hard and always trying her best. Well done Kaci!